Saturday, September 13, 2014

Happy Mexican Independence Day??Traditions lost, cultures revived.

Speaking of tradition, a very important holiday is coming upon us. Diez y Seis de Septiembre is also known as "Mexican Independence Day". Like most Mexican Americans, I grew up thinking that's what Cinco de Mayo was...I was so wrong.
It wasn't until college that I learned that the "Diez y Seis" was actually the day Father Miguel Hildalgo called for the end of Spanish Rule in Mexico. It's also one of the most celebrated Mexican holidays here in Texas. (we don't have that many).In fact, most children don't understand why this holiday is important.
Self included.
I was largely left out of any type of cultural experience growing up. Aside from going to Catholic Mass and eating cabrito, lengua and barbacoa, there as not much cultural activity for me. My mom even taught Ballet Folklorico, to everyone else but me. It didn't stop me from watching her classes.
I remember thinking" why won't she teach me this?" over and over , and even hearing my friends say "your mom's dance class is so fun!".
I will never know why she didn't pass down this tradition, and perhaps, that is why someone like Andrey Karimov is so important for me to understand. Not only is he teaching HIS children about tradition and culture, he will teach anyone who wants to learn! How awesome is that?
It never fails, the minute I wake up , I open Facebook to a bevy of archived videos, links, songs and photos. It's literally Cultural Christmas every single day. I have spent hours weeks, pouring over these videos and pictures. Each one, leads me to another library of a zillion more that I HAVE to look at. I literally have not eaten breakfast or lunch ...just to absorb this tiny piece of magic.
This is the question that I ask, what do you know about your cultural history? Does your family have a generational celebration that you meticulously pass down? How far have you gone to seek out your cultural background? If you live in America, probably not very far.
We have become a culturally complacent society that only vaguely celebrates a few cultural festivities. If you have a child in public school, you get the worksheet of the cultural branding, sent home so you KNOW that someone is talking about it.That's about it.
One of the greatest moments I had messaging Mr.Karimov was when he sent me a video of a group of grandmotherly like women singing, chanting and stomping away. As I watched the video , I melted into a pile of tears and laughter. These women had it down, and he had the wherewithal to film this ! Who does that anymore? Who did that 20 years ago? He does and did. Sitting above my desk , I have the ONLY picture of myself and my grandfather who I loved dearly. He was the ONLY positive male role model in my life and had a knack for making me laugh. I never thought for one second to preserve any amount of any type of cultural speck he had to offer. Not once.
It is one of my only regrets I have in my life. Maybe he had nothing to share, maybe he had a ton to share. Maybe..just maybe he would have shown me a little dance.
Incidentally, when Mr. Karimov shared the above video with me, I immediately thought.."wow, he looks like my grandfather."

I stopped trying to count how many videos Mr.Karimov has on You Tube. It is endless. They range from Systema Training videos, to Siberian Cossack videos, to music, to dance , to historical and vintage.

I encourage you to take a moment and check out his You Tube page. You won't be disappointed. 

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