Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why am I so angry??? Why I'm here, how this happened, and how you can get better at Systema.

In light of recent events, I have all of the sudden made a TON of new Facebook friends. The common statement I receive is "Wow, you just took this whole thing to another level...why?"
I am really a nice person, no, really.
Please, let me explain....
My journey into Systema(US style) , was a short, brief, rather- weak -attempt- on- my- part, one.I am the first to admit, I am not the best student, martial artist(I never claim that title) , or understander of it, ever.While I swear up and down, Systema saved my life in more ways than one, something happened to me recently, that really made me think..."Systema, could really save my life now".
To tell the story , to help you to understand, I will have to tell the story...
In January of 2014, I began feeling ill. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, dizziness. I was crying for no reason. I had aches and pains in random places...most of these things were usual for me, minus the vomiting and lack of appetite. Jokingly one of my friends said " are you sure you aren't pregnant?".
The reason this is a joke with my friends and I is, because in 2009, I had cervical cancer. Part of my cervix was removed and I had a combined ablation surgery to help the cancer not spread. I made a full recovery but was assured by doctors I would never, ever be able to get pregnant again.
Well, the pregnancy test I took that evening proved otherwise. In fact, all of them did. This was on a Sunday , late at night. I was hysterical. Devastated . Confused.
The next day, I called as many doctors as I could. They all put me off and patted me on the head until finally I told one of them of my past medical history. She got me into her office that day. She confirmed I was pregnant and gave me the date and times she had available for the "medically necessary" abortion. We sat in horror. I told her I was not ready for this and had to think about it. I rescheduled an appointment with the ultrasound tech for the following week . During that appointment, we were able to see our little embryo. The doctor, once again, advised we not continue with the pregnancy due to the extreme danger it would put me in. Again..we were devastated. The following week, we had another ultrasound appointment. Much to everyone's surprise, the embryo began forming as normal. My hormone levels skyrocketed. WE. WERE .PREGNANT. At this stage, there is a moment when life, is life..and this baby was fighting. We decided to try to keep the pregnancy. After our appointment with "Dr.Doom", we decided to find another doctor who would at least support our decision. We found one.
Before I go on, I have to also mention that right before any of this happened, I had a mammogram due to a lump I found in my right breast... by the time I was six weeks into my pregnancy, I got a call from my oncologist who needed to see me right away.
When I sat in his office, already with some weight gain, I was not in unfamiliar territory. An oncology center is not my favorite place to be, but I only assumed he was going to tell me it was nothing. When he walked in, I chimed that I was pregnant with a certain glee behind my voice. He sat down, put his head in his hands and told me that I needed a biopsy .
I was devastated, again. The mass had all the markings of cancer. I have a family history of cancer. I , had already had cancer. I sat in shock while he and his nurse filled out the paperwork. The next day, we met with the surgeon. While the surgeon reviewed all of the options of whether a biopsy was even safe at this point during my high risk pregnancy, I kept thinking" this cannot be happening".
It was. I was scheduled for my biopsy with no sedation because it was too risky. If you have not had a needle forced into your body to remove a chunk of tissue , while completely awake and talking , you have not experienced pain. I joked with the radiologist the entire time and tried to "breathe and relax". It sorta worked.
A week later , I was called in for results. At this point, we had already seen part of our baby formed in ultrasound , with a miraculously strong heartbeat. He was kicking and moving and making me nauseous. My weight gain was epic and I was ok with that. The doctor sat down , put his hand on my leg and told me the worst news. I was going to have to have the lump biopsied again because the sample came back inconclusive and due to my pregnancy, this could mean I either had six months to live (hormones can increase the spread of cancer) or , at some point, the cancer could spread rapidly back to my cervix. The second biopsy leaned more on the side of cancer. within a week, I was scheduled for a full lumpectomy. While managing a delicate pregnancy. The follow up appointment was great, any trace of cancer was removed because it was at it earliest stage!
All of my doctors, specialists and team were confident, at least openly, that I would be ok.
About a week after my lumpectomy, I was in horrible pain. Blood was coming out of me everytime I urinated. I was admitted to the hospital for one week for testing, rest and medication. I was glad to leave and continue my pregnancy.
A week later, I woke up covered in clear fluid. I screamed in horror and within hours,my life crumbled . We , were in the process of losing our fighter baby.
As I was being heavily sedated to keep my hysterics at a minimum, all I could think of was how short our lives were. How if, we didn't fight, we didn't try, what I would have not learned. As I was in and out of states of shock, I had an epidural to help with the delivery, that was completely botched and ripped parts of my spine...(that is a whole different story).
Days went by. The depression of living through a tragic loss, post pardem depression and back and forth physical pain were too much. I decided to start to do some Systema at home. Rolling, was out. The scar from my lumpectomy stung every minute I laid face down on the floor. My back, had scars from the botched epidural. My legs, were swollen from being hospitalized... I was a mess.  As I lay on the floor, I decided to think of "drills" that I had not seen. I came up with a very simple drill using a stick and a wall(or partner) and presented it to my former instructor. The students loved it and i was amazed. If out of inspiration, I, as merely a student, came up with this idea, why was I having so much trouble being stuck in training?Systema saved me so many times, but what more did I need? What was I not being taught?
What other potential did I, as a student, have that was not being unlocked? I sat in my car after class and cried. I felt like I was so stuck in training and only blamed myself.
I decided to ask around via other international instructors for advice. And one in particular, pointed me to Andrey Karimov. I was delighted. His videos intrigued me to no end. I contacted him immediately. This same instructor told me about Valentin Talanov. I had heard of Mr. Talanov and had seen so many Facebook pictures of him that I was familiar. I saw that he was to hold a seminar soon in the US and penciled it in. I was excited. I knew Mr. Talanov was great at breathwork and that my diaphragm had been destroyed during alot of what I went through.
In the meantime, I sought out support locally to help bring Mr. Karimov to Texas. There was none. In fact, there was contrite. I was devastated. I switched gears and sought support to help bring another instructor from the Systema strain here, again..met with angst. I sought out support to bring Mr. Talanov here, and again. nothing.
At this point in my life, I knew one thing. These instructors had an incredible amount to offer. In my conversations with Mr. Karimov alone, I learned more about Systema than any other training or seminar that I had been to. If he could help me in conversation, imagine in person. I pushed forward and decided to figure out how to bring Mr. Karimov to the United States.
During this time, something very bizarre happened in the Systema list. Mr Valentin Talanov was cut from his top instructor status with whom he had been affiliated. I was beyond devastated. That meant, no training..and no adding to my health regime. At some point I realized, that there was some deep seeded inner workings going on that many don't know about or hear of. As his cut from the group became a public display of insult, I became more and more angry. Not only was he being thwarted, he was being stopped or slowed down , from coming to the US. Now, I knew, no one would support him here, and I would have zero chance to learn breathwork from him. Now, these people, have made an attack on MY health. They have invaded my right to learn, and also, stopped others from learning from the best.

My online campaign of promoting all , ALL, Systema began. I was not nor am not, going to be a part of a program that will hold people back from growing as  practitioners. I was not ,nor am not, going to watch these men be squeezed out while the rest of us sit in uneducated trances watching the same tricks over and over and over, when there is so much out there to offer. As my research into other styles grow, my mind and heart fill with the goal of creating an important opportunity for all of us. I will not stop until everyone "gets what they need". Since it seems, some groups do not want to work with me, I will consider them working against me, and their students. I have heard the same story over and over..."my instructor won't let me train with another instructor" and I even went through a little of that myself, and you know what?? That may be because your instructor is coated with not only fear, but ego. Two of the biggest areas that Systema talks about not having. If this is your instructor. Leave. And know, this is really only a problem in the US. Ask yourself why.
I invite you as instructors, students, question havers , to any seminar we will have in the next few years and experience the glory out side the hole we have all been in. Since many of us can't get to Russia...why not bring Russia, here? The power to growing a community, is beautiful and the only way to do it, is to do it....
Happy Training!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Systema Guideline to Life, Inner Peace and Training.The Philosophy Behind the Art, by Master Andrey Karimov

We will begin by discussing the growth and progression of man in Systema. From birth to death, man's role in life , discovering himself, and even training can all be formatted to be a unique and harmonious lifestyle. From the four main stages of life(birth, childhood, young adulthood, wise age), Andrey Karimov reviews the path meant for us all in our divine natural state and what we can all do to become better people. This guide is meant as an outline to self correct , live happily, and progress as a true Systema practioner.. Dictated by Master Andrey Karimov, translated by  Darya Antipina and interpreted by Olivia Overturf.

What is a system and why is it needed?
It is all relative. It is not possible to say something sharply about anything exactly. The phrase "psychological trap" can be used. Who is ready to accept this phrase? Whomever is ready, is ready to be in a cage and have psychological weapons used against them. The correct meaning of Systema, is a coordinated system. Everything in the world is Systema. A full version also includes a coordinated system of all people. Systema coordinates obvious and hidden ideals of this organization. If you do not know your personal "coordinates" , you do not know yourself. Man should have his own navigation to understand his path in life. Our Systema focuses on finding our personal control points in this navigational system and to find out where we are now. Alot of people are not living this way, and are lying dormant. There are many reasons this can happen. One major reason is lack of skills to manage a full life. We are working with people who are ready to take control back of their life! It is very important to make sure you are actually ready, as an individual, for this process. Not everyone will be ready.
The secrets of our system or, "life secrets" are not really secrets at all. We are not, or never will, try to hide these secrets. They will always be available to those who are ready.Secrets are very expensive(emotionally) and you cannot buy or sell them. The cost of these in actuality is mental illness and even human life.
To begin mapping these philosophies, it is important to have a social model. In Russia, and many other cultures, these models are described by the use of folklore and fairy tales. This helps to bring children into an underlying awareness that can help them understand difficult concepts. Usually in a fairy tale of this  sort, a man and woman walking together, as partners, in a marriage, is the highest pinnacle of the fairy tale . When a male and female join together, they have a greater, absolute power. This model typically can foresee and help predict a divine path.This is why they are still crucial in society. Even if man is not doing anything , he will know what is working and what is not. The model will start to reflect in his life and have influence on his path of personal growth. This is the magic and beauty of fairy tales.
Image from Cossack Fairy Tales by R.Nisbet Bain
These models are already divinely planted in our individual genetic code and they are universal and worldwide. What is available in one's mind, can also be available outside of one's mind. These two factors can join together and meet but they can also negate each other and not work succinctly or, they can negatively copy itself. People are either ready to live based on this prediction of their own divine path or they will try to grow and improve basic skills, such as self love. Without this kind of "self love", it is impossible to have love for each other. When one fights against this genetic code or resists his own path, this will lay his prediction out as a man.  It is impossible to win in this fight. One will face the personal inability to conquer inner and outer struggles.

(stay tuned for continued series on Systema Guideline to Life, Inner Peace and Training)

You can follow Master Karimov on FB here.
His You Tube channel is available here.
For more information (in Russian ) you can go  to

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Giving you what you need.: Cracking the Code: Unlocking the Secrets of System...

Giving you what you need.: Cracking the Code: Unlocking the Secrets of System...: The following works were dictated by Systema Master, Andrey Karimov on his philosophies of Systema, personal growth and emotional health. T...

Cracking the Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Systema with Master Andrey Karimov.Part One

The following works were dictated by Systema Master, Andrey Karimov on his philosophies of Systema, personal growth and emotional health. Translated by Darya Antipina and interpreted by Olivia Overturf. This will be the beginning of a multi-layer series based on the work and study of Mr.Karimov. He welcomes your questions or comments following the articles. Enjoy...

The word " SYSTEMA"- the root of the  word, the main idea, is important.

Let's start with  "ST" in  SYSTEMA. 
ST as in "strength", you cannot divide the "S" and the "T". This is the nuclear part of the word that exists in all European languages and even other languages. 

The letter "S" resembles an "idea" or even the sound "sh" or "s" in different languages. As in a "wild idea". The "s" looks like a snake. God's idea temptates a person. God looks to how people incorporate this idea on Earth. For example, an individual can make an idea very bad, or very cruel. Also , an "s"alone is different than two"s's" as in "SS" like the Nazi "runes" for Schutzstaffel. Any good idea can transfer into a cruel ideology.

The "ST" that are commonly neighboring together and are found in the word "SYSTEMA"are a combination of the "soft s" and the "hard t". STat (СТать in the Russian language)is to shape the body, form,overall make-up of the human body. When you draw "ST" with the focal center points placed correctly, the letters transition from :
"ST" with focalized center

combination "S" and "T"

 "ST" with focal center to " the body"

Upright body with generated energy
The STat figure contains all the components of the psychological, physical and spiritual senses. First, the "ST" contain the mild "s" and the hard "t" which make a perfect balance. While it is essential that a person remain "hard" in their life, it is also important that a person remain soft. If a person is upright, he generates strong energy, if he is crooked, his structure is easy to break. The main goal is to be able to take strikes and punches both physically and psychologically.
Secondly, the idea of softness is important to understand so that our arms become soft and fluid to allow our hands to become sensitive. We must have this understanding so we can understand our own power. For example, if a robber is choking someone, he can easily kill them with "hard" hands, if he had no sensitivity. The "ST" in "SYSTEMA" embodies the balance of both "hardness" and "softeness".We must learn how to use this balance to not cause suffering and pain to others.

The "SY" in "SYSTEMA" defines "the circle". This is a group of like minded people who have the ability to communicate and speak to one another.
The communal Systema circle
This group, can work together effectively as a group rather than individually. Together, they can reach goals easily . How can we learn this ? From the Slavic language the word "GOI"(go-een). From this word "go" or "go to" in the superior sense. GOI = the truth (Istina), where God's sense is. Istina is where God's revelation is contained. At one point, all of us spoke the same language. Language is what taught us to be successful and prosperous. Language itself, can teach and show us these ideals....

(more in this series to come! stay tuned....)
You can follow Master Karimov on FB here.
His You Tube channel is available here.
For more information (in Russian ) you can go  to

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Interview with Master Andrey Karimov Part 2-Finding A True Master

Not to toot my own horn, or Andrey Karimov's, but six months into learning from him, and I feel divinely refreshed. There still has not been one single day that I haven't learned something new, exciting, different or substantial from either him, his videos, or conversations with him. When I began my journey into wanting to learn more, my goal was to "learn what I was missing". I had no idea what that meant, or even what it could be. I assumed that my training, seminars , books, etc about Systema were sufficing, until I realized, they were not.
Turns out..there was alot more.
 As I type this, I can honestly assure you my computer is full of documents , drawings, pictures,

Woman training in Sambo(1991)
books, PDFs, diagrams and video...all in a language I know nothing about. I still , in all honesty, dare not call myself a martial artist. I am merely a student. And because I am a student, I wanted to find the best, for me. I deserved it. We all do.With  that being said, this has become a huge undertaking, full of surprises, passion, lack of sleep, commitment, enlightenment and learning. On finding a true master...part two of the interview with Master Andrey Karimov:....(roughly translated with Google Translate)

O.O.: On finding a good instructor or Master , what are some qualities to look for?

A.K.: There are two ways to become a Master, knowing these will help.
          1) Learn from other Masters who are at a higher level than yourself.
          2) Develop thinking to observe the world around you using divine laws of physics.

O.O.: Who or what determines the "master" in Martial Arts?

A.K. 1) Does not compete, does not try prove anything and likes what he does.
         2) A Master is accurate, but if  wrong, will smile about the error.
         3) Does not just use the words "you should" or "you can not do that." but uses more appropriate  and necessary terminology
         4) Able to hear and understand you and know how to use his words accordingly
         5)Does not consider it necessary to frequently use mystery and magic to explain what he was doing.
         6)Sees what's stopping you . A true master has the knowledge and has the ability to tell you                 simple words
         7)Able to wait until maturation of skill in the student; a Master is not in a hurry
         8)A Master does not like hypocrisy or flattery.
         9)A true Master is worthy of respect, but does not require it by force.
         10) To a Master, everything is simple and understandable, almost too simple.
         An example of this is a saying " I came to a village to find a man who is between the age of 80            and 100 who is respected by everyone and some even fear?"

O.O: When I first began watching your videos, I contacted you and immediately, I knew, you would be a great instructor for me and I would not accept less than that for myself. For those who do not have the means or resources to go train where and with whom they would like, what do you recommend?

A.K.: Sometimes we have to think and act by trial and error.It is better to travel half the world to find the best master.It saves time in the long term to find better for yourself.

O.O:Who inspired your journey to get to the level you are at today?

A.K.: I saw the eyes of elders, 90-100 years old, bright eyes, ready to see a miracle, and I wanted to be like them.

O.O.:How old were you when this happened?

A.K.: Twenty years old.

O.O.:When you were that age,did you think you would be at this level as you are now?

A.K.: I had the flair like a dog.But I found people to work with. I had persistence and a strong interest in learning.I knew I would get here sooner or later.

O.O.:Do you have the same expectations of your students?

A.K.: It's better to ask them. It isn't just me, but more a matter of principal.

O.O:When I watch your videos, I see constant dynamics of  laughter, concentration, partnership and community. Why is this sense of community is so important in learning Systema?
Common instruction with lecture.

A.K.: It answers the question of identity, who I am? Where do I belong? Commonality gives strength and energy. It provides physical and mental health balances.

O.O:Many times here , instructors are known for saying " it's your fault" . As in " it's your fault you were hurt in training"," it's your fault you did not progress", "it's your fault if you do not understand".How would you, as a psychologist, explain this phenomenon?

A.K.: If you are a Master, you'll be able to explain why and what to do.Anything else is not competent instruction.

O.O.:What are the warning signs a person can look for , if they feel they have a lower quality instructor?

    1)You do not understand what they are saying.
    2)The following words: " I have a certificate", "you have to listen to me", "you cannot do that"                (without explanation).
    3)The instructor does not allow you to go and learn from others
    4)You sweat alot,but still feel awkwardness in movement.

Олег Чернецов
Remember " repetition is the mother of learning and the consolation of fools".  And why? It is because "it is a mad house, and the key is lost".

O.O.: What do you look for in instructors in your program?

A.K.: Zest for life and the ability to train are enough! That is a start! If a person does not have these qualities , they cannot become an instructor.

O.O.:How do you view the growth and changes for Systema in the next few years.

A.K.: Systema is first and foremost , the ability to think and to reason.Then the interest to implement and follow through. I wish only everyone can come to understand that.

O.O.:You have been kind enough to talk to me frequently and this has made for an amazing learning experience! Would it be ok if others contact you with questions or advice?

A.K.: Yes! It is easy. Accessibility is another quality to look for in an instructor.

O.O.:Do you also recommend "self-study"?

A.K. Yes , the Family is the most powerful workout, along with surrounding society, and then personal psychology. Take care and be well!