Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Systema Guideline to Life, Inner Peace and Training.The Philosophy Behind the Art, by Master Andrey Karimov

We will begin by discussing the growth and progression of man in Systema. From birth to death, man's role in life , discovering himself, and even training can all be formatted to be a unique and harmonious lifestyle. From the four main stages of life(birth, childhood, young adulthood, wise age), Andrey Karimov reviews the path meant for us all in our divine natural state and what we can all do to become better people. This guide is meant as an outline to self correct , live happily, and progress as a true Systema practioner.. Dictated by Master Andrey Karimov, translated by  Darya Antipina and interpreted by Olivia Overturf.

What is a system and why is it needed?
It is all relative. It is not possible to say something sharply about anything exactly. The phrase "psychological trap" can be used. Who is ready to accept this phrase? Whomever is ready, is ready to be in a cage and have psychological weapons used against them. The correct meaning of Systema, is a coordinated system. Everything in the world is Systema. A full version also includes a coordinated system of all people. Systema coordinates obvious and hidden ideals of this organization. If you do not know your personal "coordinates" , you do not know yourself. Man should have his own navigation to understand his path in life. Our Systema focuses on finding our personal control points in this navigational system and to find out where we are now. Alot of people are not living this way, and are lying dormant. There are many reasons this can happen. One major reason is lack of skills to manage a full life. We are working with people who are ready to take control back of their life! It is very important to make sure you are actually ready, as an individual, for this process. Not everyone will be ready.
The secrets of our system or, "life secrets" are not really secrets at all. We are not, or never will, try to hide these secrets. They will always be available to those who are ready.Secrets are very expensive(emotionally) and you cannot buy or sell them. The cost of these in actuality is mental illness and even human life.
To begin mapping these philosophies, it is important to have a social model. In Russia, and many other cultures, these models are described by the use of folklore and fairy tales. This helps to bring children into an underlying awareness that can help them understand difficult concepts. Usually in a fairy tale of this  sort, a man and woman walking together, as partners, in a marriage, is the highest pinnacle of the fairy tale . When a male and female join together, they have a greater, absolute power. This model typically can foresee and help predict a divine path.This is why they are still crucial in society. Even if man is not doing anything , he will know what is working and what is not. The model will start to reflect in his life and have influence on his path of personal growth. This is the magic and beauty of fairy tales.
Image from Cossack Fairy Tales by R.Nisbet Bain
These models are already divinely planted in our individual genetic code and they are universal and worldwide. What is available in one's mind, can also be available outside of one's mind. These two factors can join together and meet but they can also negate each other and not work succinctly or, they can negatively copy itself. People are either ready to live based on this prediction of their own divine path or they will try to grow and improve basic skills, such as self love. Without this kind of "self love", it is impossible to have love for each other. When one fights against this genetic code or resists his own path, this will lay his prediction out as a man.  It is impossible to win in this fight. One will face the personal inability to conquer inner and outer struggles.

(stay tuned for continued series on Systema Guideline to Life, Inner Peace and Training)

You can follow Master Karimov on FB here.
His You Tube channel is available here.
For more information (in Russian ) you can go  to http://ladsistema.ru/

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